Department name
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
IDA IDentification Automation Laboratory
Asset Publisher

IDA Lab – Identification Automation Laboratory
Special Session: Innovative solutions based on IoT and AI to improve Healthy and Active Aging
Splitech 2024 - International Symposium on Internet of Things
ICT Day 2023
Innovative Solutions and Research Projects focused on Well-being, One-Health and Safety Ecosystems
International Symposium on Internet of Things
First Innovation & Networking PhD Day - April 28, 2022
Computer Networks (ITA)
Computer Networks course aims to give a basic knowledge of computer networks in terms of the main protocols, applications, technologies currently used for the creation and interconnection of local and geographic networks.
Internet Of Things (ENG)
The Internet of Things course aims to offer a complete vision on how to design and develop smart objects and smart services based on hardware and software technologies enabling the Internet of Things. Particular attention will be paid to the creation and testing of the so-called smart environments.

Prof. Patrono Luigi, PhD
University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation
"La Stecca" building - first floor, Campus Ecotekne, Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni, 73100 Lecce (Italy)
Tel. +39 0832297330
- Eng. SERGI Ilaria
- Eng. MONTANARO Teodoro
- Eng. SHUMBA Angela
- Eng. MIGHALI Vincenzo
- Eng. DEL FIORE Giuseppe
- Eng. LILLO Paolo